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Nowadays, we can't imagine New Year's Eve without fireworks, firecrackers and colorful light effects. The history of fireworks goes back more than 1000 years. But for a long time, this tradition was only a pleasure for the wealthy.
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Black powder is an important component of fireworks that we know today and that we can buy in every supermarket at the beginning of the year. Powder was invented in China about 1200 years ago. According to an MDR report investigating the history of fireworks, researchers suspect that the accidental inventors in the 6th and 7th centuries may have been Taoist monks. Working on an elixir of immortality on behalf of the emperor, they experimentally mixed an explosive combination of coal, sulfur, and saltpetre, thus beginning the history of fireworks.
China remains the world's largest producer and exporter of fireworks. But the explosive black powder was originally used not for fun, but for war and exorcism. Also, there were no color effects in the beginning, just pop. (Spending the New Year outside: tips to beat the cold)
In the 14th century, Arab merchants brought fireworks to Europe. The art of fireworks has been consistently developed here. Especially during the indulgent Baroque era, it soon became customary in European courts to welcome guests with fireworks at festivals and celebrations. Italian fire crusaders who invented new fiery motifs achieved the most fame and prestige.
As the 19th century progressed, the tradition of fireworks became more and more a social pastime. Fireworks delight spectators on New Year's Eve and other special occasions in major European cities. At the beginning of the 20th century, the first fireworks were sold, so everyone who can afford it can make their own New Year's fireworks. (The best words for the new year)
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Today, no one depends on public fireworks on New Year's Eve. Every year, before the New Year, dealers make a big turnover with fireworks. However, they can only be sold on the last three working days of the year - this is, of course, one of the reasons why fireworks still fascinate people today. New options for light and sound effects are constantly being invented so that New Year's Eve is never boring.
In recent years, however, the tradition of fireworks has been criticized by environmentalists, who warn against displaying too many fireworks on New Year's Eve. Aid organizations also encourage people to regularly donate money to charity instead of spending it on fireworks. (New Year's decorations: make your own crackers) Rockets, battery fireworks, fountains, firecrackers: the Germans tore up New Year's Eve. This year, fireworks sales began on December 28, because December 29 - according to the law, the actual start of sales fell on a Sunday. Downside: Every year, many people are injured due to the careless use of firecrackers or the illegal shooting of fireworks. If you follow these tips, you can avoid many injuries and damages.
Illegal fireworks from Eastern Europe are especially dangerous. They generally appear to be less harmful than the products approved in Germany, but have a greater risk of explosion. Demonstrations by the Fire Department or the Federal Bureau of Materials Research and Testing (BAM) show what the banned firecrackers can do, as an explosion broke the arm of a life-size doll. In comparison, if a tested firecracker accidentally catches fire in the hand, the BAM only causes a minor burn. But the same applies here: read the user manual and safety instructions in time before use.
In general, fireworks of any category are prohibited near hospitals, children's and nursing homes, and churches. The ban also applies near straw and wooden houses. Violations can lead to a fine of up to 50,000 euros. Due to the increased risk of fire and injury, several northern cities and municipalities have banned fireworks, including around Hamburg's Inner Alster.
Rheinkirmes Düsseldorf: Feuerwerk Am 22. Juli
On New Year's Eve, explosions, bright lights and the smell of bonfires frighten dogs and cats. Pet owners can help their four-legged friends with these tips. more
Fireworks have been canceled again this year, but will include lucky traps, sparkling wine and lead. What's behind the customs? more
Party spirit, alcohol and fireworks: this combination creates more than one disaster on New Year's Eve. Who is responsible and what precautions can be taken? more
The demand for wood and pellets is high. Fraudsters try to take advantage of this. Therefore, customers should consider carefully. fireworks - a pyrotechnic display, usually set up in the night sky, where fireworks are set off as planned. It is characterized by light or color and explosion effects.
Vorsicht Beim Feuerwerk An Silvester
Fireworks are broadly understood as a derivative of the term pyrotechnics. In the lexicon, other terms such as rock have also been transferred to fireworks. The term is rarely used today.
Whether the term fireworks can be expanded with the indefinite article "a" or used in the plural ("fireworks") is controversial. Proponents of the use of the term note that it refers to individual fireworks or different types of fireworks that occur or (should) occur at a specific time in a specific location. Without an article or with a definite article, "fireworks" (meaning "fireworks in general") is a generic term that refers to the sum of individual elements called "fireworks". "Fireworks" shows the singular and plural forms of the noun in the "clination table", which implicitly declares that its use is allowed.
The term pyrotechnics is also colloquially used for pyrotechnicians who are responsible for the preparation and execution of fireworks. However, the only correct term is munitions experts whose duties include ordnance disposal (EOD), ie. finding, removing and processing (disarming) ammunition as fireworks. Pyrotechnicians do not have explosives disposal training. They are not designed to prevent fires and explosions, but to cause them.
In his 1905 article "Feuerwerkerei (Pyrotechnics)", Meyers Konversations-Lexikon distinguished between "military fireworks" on the one hand and "passionate or artistic fireworks" on the other. The first involved mainly the use of ammunition for "fire of war". The latter served purely civilian purposes, primarily to create positive feelings by absorbing the effects of individual fires and public fireworks.
Feuerwerk Am Dienstagabend
In 2009, categorization in the EU was based on effects and hazards – pyrotechnic training is required across the EU for higher categories, especially category F4 – lower hazards require an age or age threshold. The EU has the following categories (previous German classifications before 2009 are also given, some of which correspond to today's EU directives):
The exact legal regulations regarding the conditions of delivery, possession and use differ between EU countries. So, e.g. B. LETTER also in Spain, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovenia and Denmark. F3 items are bought and burned by adults (aged 18 or 21), while e.g. B. In Germany and Austria, a special permit or qualification is required to acquire, possess or burn F3.
Fireworks choreographed to music are called musical fireworks. Its development began with the music accompanying the fireworks of the Baroque era, for example Hänls music for the royal fireworks HWV 351. However, it is unclear to what extent the fireworks were set off in sync with the music at the time. The premiere of Hanle's Music for Fireworks ended in fiasco on April 21, 1749, when parts of the structure caught fire.
Today, with the use of ignition devices and firework signaling systems, accurate fireworks are technically possible - well beyond suitable background music.
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Other types include marine fireworks (launched from rafts or small islands), technical fireworks such as stage fireworks (fireworks in a theater), fire shows, special effects in movies or pure lighting, ie. lighting using pyrotechnic effects and sometimes explosion effects.
Similar rules also apply to: pyrotechnic articles that produce smoke or mist, pyrotechnic signaling devices, glitter nails and shellac, and firecrackers or firecrackers. For general information about this, see Pyrotechnic articles and the Law section. Confetti fireworks are a non-pyrotechnic display, usually fired with compressed air and considered a stage effect.
In 2015, the Japanese startup ALE (Astro Live Experiences, founded by astronomer Lena Okajima) announced that it would artificially produce colored stars by releasing centimeter-diameter spheres from a satellite at a meridian of 400-500 km. Earth's orbit. At an altitude of 60 km, small bodies would enter the earth's atmosphere much more slowly than natural stars, which flow at 9 km/s, and burn for a long time, producing a whole band of light.
After seven years of development, Japan's space agency JAXA launched its first measurement data-gathering satellite into a 500 km orbit on January 18, 2019. The first space fireworks should be possible in 2020.
Youtube: Die Besten Feuerwerke Zu Silvester
The color of fireworks depends on the atomic properties of certain added substances. The chemical elements responsible for the coloring, usually metals, are added in the form of metal salts. For example, sodium oxalate
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